How can I clean boat cushions?

1 minute reading
Hoe kan ik bootkussens reinigen?

Are your boat cushions getting dirty faster and faster? Do you see stains from wine, sunscreen or coffee? You can easily clean boat cushions yourself. With these products and instructions for use, your cushions will remain nice and clean and they are also better protected.

Cleaning and protecting boat cushions, that's how you do it!

Most boat cushions are made from the same material as your boat cover. So you can also clean them in the same way. 

Always use Sprayhood & Tent Shampoo first:

  1. Clean the cushions first with lukewarm water
  2. Spray Sprayhood & Tent Shampoo on the still wet cloth. Brush off the dirt well.
  3. Leave the shampoo Work in for 20 minutes.
  4. Now rinse well with water, to remove all dirt and shampoo.
  5. Let the drying pillows.
  6. Is there still contamination on the canvas? Continue met Ultramar Power Cleaner.  

Still dirty to see? Then continue with Power Cleaner:

  1. Spuit Power cleaner on the dry canvas. Use a spray or a plant sprayer.
  2. Brush in well
  3. Let Power Cleaner about 1 hour to work in.
  4. Don't see any change? Spray extra Power Cleaner, brush and let it work again. Repeat these steps until the stains are gone. This can sometimes take several hours.
  5. Are you satisfied? coil with clean water
  6. Leave the pillows dry well.
  7. Protect the boat cushions with a strong impregnating agent

Protect boat cushions with Sprayhood & Tent Protector:

  1. Make sure your boat cushion good clean and dry is.
  2. Inject Sprayhood & Tent Protector generously and evenly on the dry cloth. Use a plant sprayer, brush, brush or spray.
  3. Immediately remove the impregnating agent from the deck, etc. Use a damp cloth.
  4. Leave the pillows dry well. Repeat the treatment if necessary.
  5. Is there impregnating agent on the deck? No problem! Just wipe with a little bit of benzene. 

Keep your boat cushions nice and clean. That is a lot nicer!