Clean, fresh outdoor equipment in no time
Want your outdoor equipment to look good as new again? Follow our simple step-by-step plan for a spotless result. Your equipment including outdoor fabric will be completely fresh and have optimum protection in no time. You can use the Outdoor Gear Protector for outdoor clothing, shoes, backpacks, travel bags, motorbike clothing, gloves and furniture.
Protect your gear with waterproofing spray
2. Spray a generous amount of waterproofing spray onto the dry material. Make sure you apply the product evenly. You could use a plant sprayer or brush to do this.
3. If possible, also apply the waterproofing spray to the inside of material.
4. Allow your gear to dry thoroughly for at least 24 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why washing ski clothing is important?
• Your ski suit breathes through the small pores of the fabric.
• In this way your "sweat" can get out through the suit. While moisture from outside cannot get into the suit.
• The pores get clogged by grime, limescale, salt, etc.
• You restore the breathability of the ski clothing by washing it.
• It is therefore important to wash your ski suit regularly.
User instructions: washing ski clothing
• Put your ski clothing in the washing machine.
• Choose a low temperature and low speed.
• Use a small amount of liquid detergent.
• Rinse once more after washing.
• Make the ski suit perfectly water and grime repellent again.
• Impregnate the suit with a strong impregnating agent.
• Outdoor Gear Protector has been specially developed for fabric such as Gore-Tex.

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